Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Life Analogy with a Pencil

Before I picked up this pencil, I was like "whats the point" (pic1)

Then I picked it up and saw "made for a purpose" (pic2)

I started wondering what the purpose is, so I held it in my writing pose... it felt really nice and comfortable. (pic3)

Our lives are like this pencil. At first we looked at it and wonder, "what's the point?"
Then we picked it up and try to explore and discover it only to come to the conclusion that we were "made for a purpose" still unknown.
At last when we got a hold of our lives, have it in our control, knowing how to deal with ourselves, then we realize the real purpose intended for our creation and are comfortable with it.
I know this analogy seems completely irrelevant, but don't u think it makes perfect sense?!

A Life Analogy with a Pencil

Before I picked up this pencil, I was like "whats the point" ()
Then I picked it up and saw "made for a purpose" (pic2)
I started wondering what the purpose is, so I held it in my writing pose... it felt really nice and comfortable. (pic3)

Our lives are like this pencil. At first we looked at it and wonder, "what's the point?"
Then we picked it up and try to explore and discover it only to come to the conclusion that we were "made for a purpose" still unknown.
At last when we got a hold of our lives, have it in our control, knowing how to deal with ourselves, then we realize the real purpose intended for our creation and are comfortable with it.

I know this analogy seems completely irrelevant, but don't u think it makes perfect sense?!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mom's reaction

After all those thoughts, today, when mom asked me about my conditions, I told her my newly discovered symptom. Surprisingly, she is very optimistic and thought this is no big deal. Now I just have to hope that she is right...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Constant ringing in my ear

    One night last week, I noticed that I kind of have this small ringing in my left ear. I thought it was probably some of the higher frequency noise that the stereos I use for alarm produced. I found it odd that I only seem to have it in my left ear.
    Sure enough, this morning after I woke up and turned the stereo alarm off, I could detect the high yet quiet ringing in my left ear. I held my breath and everything I was doing then listened. To my fear, that brief moment wasn't silent.
   This newest noticed symptom had million things rushing into my mind. Should I tell anyone? My mom is the most concerned among the people who knows of my current ear problem. She ask me if I have anything weird to my ear on a daily basis. I feel like I should tell her at least, given that she is the one who loves me the most and cares about me the most.
    Yet, I am hesitant, she can't do anything for me. Prayer is the only thing she could do for my situation. No matter what, I'll have to wait till August 24th to do the hearing test for the specialist to do anything for me. Before that, all we could do is wait, or at best, find another specialist to take care of my ear.
    Not worth it worrying her or any others. I feel embarrassed enough that almost all the uncles and aunts at church are aware of my ear problem. Mom can't keep secrets. I do need prayers, so this is good. I just tend to like to cover these things up.
    I'll keep observing and researching, hopefully my ear is just acting funny because of my funky daily routine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First post failed

  OK... I spent my last 1.5 hrs typing up a post which was made for my anatomy final review on circulatory system.
  Guess what?! It failed and then is gone... this appear definitely have some issues... I will check into see if the post happened to be saved on the server and it thus able to be published through my browser. I doubt it though. Good thing I did not finish the whole chapter. I found it inefficient. Writing notes on pictures is definitely better.
  I will still go check if a copy is saved. In the meantime I should take a little break then start all over again... that is 1.5 hrs I'm never getting back... fml.